Friday, November 13, 2009

Recently Watched: Away We Go

Didn't like it.. most of the characters were annoying... the whole set up of them travelling around didn't really work. It was too here are some weird here are some more weird people..oh man we better not turn into them when we become parents... there were a few funny parts, but it really wasn't very entertaining..


  1. Yeah, I was definitley interested in this movie when I first saw the trailer for it. It seemed to be quirky and have the "indie spirit" but how you're describing it is what I feared it was gonna turn out to be. Just a low budget movie with some laughs and nothing that really happens.

  2. yeah I knew it had mixed reviews going into it but I was still disappointed because it had a pretty good cast.

  3. Yeah it was pretty awful. Needed better transitions. How was anyone supposed to believe that any part of that was realistic?

  4. John Kraskinskis beard knew the movie wasn't very authentic.
