Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Movies that I love: Tell No One

Why see it??? Great performances, great direction and an intricate plot. The lead actor gives one of my all time favorite performances and Kristin Scott Thomas is amazing. I saw this at The Charles Theater in Baltimore and it was one of my favorite experiences in a theater because I could feel the audiences engagement. If you like chase scenes this movie has one of my favorite/ one of the more realistic scenes that I've seen. It's the best thriller that you will see, ok! see it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This kid CAN read.

I found myself thoroughly entertained by Diablo Cody's book about stripping. She's a smart girl who sees an amateur night sign and decides why the hell not! Cody provides a hilarious but sometimes disturbing insiders look into the sexual entertainment business. Her wit is ridiculous and after awhile I stopped asking myself but wait why is she still doing this, and became immersed in the world that she was creating. From the authoritative bosses, naive or aged co-workers to the creepy customers with very strange ..habits.., to the drunken frat boys and bitchy girls, Cody provided an interesting look at not only the people who work in the industry but the people who keep it going.

This was by far one of the funniest things that I've read. It was displayed near a section that a library assistant was helping me look for "You're a Horrible Person, But I like You," so I picked it up. I've never read anything by Sedaris, but I've been a fan of his crazy sister Amy Sedaris (Strangers with Candy) for awhile. David actually wrote about Amy quite a bit, and I have to say he has an amazing ability to capture and profile his family members as well as his own neurosis. The article about his little person guitar teacher was both sad and hysterical. I think sometimes we forget how rare it is to hear a GOOD story, most of the time the story teller is getting more out of telling the story than the listeners are getting from sitting through it. But "Me Talk Pretty One Day" provides a string of great stories. go read it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to my blog.

I created this blog to record all of the music, movies and other media that I consume.

I love looking back on all of the music that I was listening to this past year and how I connect it to certain days, events etc. I recollect a time in my life by the music that was playing in the background.

To anyone who reads this blog I hope that its been a decent read and hopefully I've introduced you to some RAD things!

Recently Digested

Honestly. I fell asleep a few times while I was trying to watch this. It arrived during my heavy use of Ambien phase this summer, so I don't feel like I can give a great review of it. From what I coherently watched the acting was pretty on point considering the unusual dialogue and plot circumstances.

Jon Stewart is a pretty funny guy, but wait I already knew that! I'm not a regular viewer of the Daily Show I actually usually tune in more to watch Jon Stewart interview other people and then I wait for them to make him laugh so he does that thing where he covers his face..you know what I'm talking about. But his essays were perceptively whacky. The letters to the Hanson fan club and the Princess Diana letters to Mother Theresa had me cracking up. You go boy.

The End of Summer Mix

Track 1 Dog Days are Over -Florence + The Machine
Track 2 Islands The xx
Track 3 When I'm With You Best Coast
Track 4 Nantes Beirut
Track 5 Addicted to Love Florence + The Machine
Track 6 Billie Holiday Warpaint
Track 7 Crystalised The xx
Track 8 Metal Heart (cover) David Bazan
Track 9 Walk in the Park Beach House
Track 10 Mother And Child Reunion Paul Simon
Track 11 Animal(Mark_Ronson_Remix) Mark Ronson

Friday, August 13, 2010

Currently Listening to:

If this song hasn't already been used in a movie, than I want to make a movie just so I can use it. The lyrics are simple, but because her voice is so raw and true the song evokes really strong emotions. The idea of people growing apart is a sad reality, and I think this song captures that beautifully. Take a listen, or 10.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Books that I got today

1.) You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You (collective) READ IT! To be pronounced RED. I'm telling you that I read it already but if you'd like to READ IT ..do so!

2) The Double Life is Twice as Good- Jonathan Ames

3) Naked Pictures of Famous People- Jon Stewart

4) Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris

5) Personality Types -Using the Enneagram for Self Discovery ...this is the wild card book! I'm pretty into psychology and one of my favorite classes was Personality so this is right up my alley.

Recently Read

I just read this today. The concept was: comedians/writers answer questions that they aren't educated to answer. I liked Paul Feig, Fred Armisen, Zach Galifianakis, Janeane Garofalo, Amy Sedaris and Sarah Silverman..to name a fewww.

After finishing Chelsea Handler's book and watching her on Diablo Cody's Red Band trailer web interview thing I actually decided that I wanted to read Cody's book "Candy Girl" which is her memoir about being a stripper...but they didn't have it so I got this book.
It was really funny. (I totally LOL'ED YOU GUYZZZZ) It's about comedian/ Chelsea Lately staff member, Heather McDonalds journey blue balling guys in Hollywood. The guys that she went out with make for really funny character studies... they are completely ridiculous. She also details a brief fling with Vince Vaughn if you're into that kind of thing (I have to admit I always kind of stare at Video Vixen Diaries, the book about the girl who banged all of the rappers in all of AMERICA..but I have too much pride to check that out.)

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I was reading an interview with David Bazan and he was talking about covers that he does and he mentioned Cat Power's "Metal Heart"... I immediately Youtubed it (thanks modern day technology,) here it is!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Recently Watched: "Good Dick"

This film was recommended to me and after reading the description I was intrigued because it straight up said that the girl in the movie was addicted to porn. I wondered how an indie romantic comedy could play that off. It actually turned out to be more of a drama with occassional funny moments, but I actually found it to be pretty entertaining. It's not the best movie ever, but it looks at interesting matters. The male lead is played by Jason Ritter, who was very good at being true to the moment. Ritter plays a homeless video clerk that becomes interested in a porno-o-holic female customer and begins to assert himself in her life. The conversations between the two leads felt very real...awkwardly real. I give it 3/5 stars!

The XX- Islands

Cover Songs Rule: Addicted to Love



Needle and the Damage Done

Last night my dad started playing Needle and the Damage Done, while I was reading the lyrics and what I really love(d) about the song is how understated it is. Sometimes songs about drugs are annoying and tend to scream I USED TO BE A JUNKIE, BUT NOW I'M NOT, (BUT I TOTALLY HAVE DEMONS.)

But this song doesn't, and I really love how honest it feels. There's something that I'll always love about someone singing with just an acoustic guitar. While I love current music that takes advantage of computers/synthesizers etc it still amazes me what people are capable of writing and performing acoustically.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm kind of an intellectual.

My sister bought Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea at the airport back in March. We switched off and each read a few chapters each because its an extremely easy read. I got through 4 chapters but then I talked too much to the people on the way home and didn't finish it...so it's been under my bed for several months and I decided to finish it this week.

First of all it's pretty funny and sticks to her style of humor. But I think a lot of it is really random and there isn't much sense to how the chapters are organized. I guess it's a collection of weird stories really, but some aren't really about drinking..
Highlights: her childhood lies and her time in jail.

"Noboddddy raise your voiiiiices"

I don't know how to pin down what it is that I like so much about this song but it's the only thing I have bookmarked on my old computer. I've gotten really into vocals that at first listen challenge me. The lead singers style is really different, I'm not familiar with a lot of Beirut's material, but I've watched them on La Blogetheque several times and this song is magical!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

There are nice things in the world—and I mean nice things. We're all such
morons to get so sidetracked. Always, always, always referring every goddamn thing that happens right back to our lousy little egos.
---J.D Salinger