Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Recently Watched: Inception

I saw Inception last night. Pretty crazy. I haven't seen a lot of "action" movies in my day so when I finally see one I find that it's a good change of pace. This film did however have a lot of emotional stuff going on with Leonardo's character. Sometimes I fell into it and other times there was something that I wasn't completely buying..maybe because the concept is so high that it's hard to really humanize characters (in the way that I am used to in independent cinema.) But overall the film worked for me and I was throughly entertained with the dream within a dream..within in a dream...within ...a.dream storyline. Also Joseph Gordon Levitt is all up in this movie woot woot. He is probably my favorite actor so it was cool to see him in a big picture holding his own with a talented cast. Towards the end of the film I was like shit I like this group of people and I don't want this to end (and theres nothing for me to do at home.)

I don't know if Christopher Nolan should be called a genius or a crazy person to think all of this up, I guess a bit of both.

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